We have a network of pastors, theologians, leaders and influencers who are committed to the flourishing of the Black Church. There are three critical areas we consider essential to the success and thriving of the Black Church. Our desire is to equip churches in these areas by providing targeted resources and consultative support.

The Critical Three:

  1. Culturally Audacious – Our unique cultural expressions, defining traditions, and liturgical particularities are beautifully God-given. In the same way we are Black, we are the Black Church we need to lean into this identity rather than apologize for it. 

  2. Theologically Sound – Our pastors should live and know the Word of God. It should be handled with reverence and precision in every Black pulpit. Our faith should be rich with rightly-divided Biblical content. This content should guide the faith and practice of our members.

  3. Socially Conscious – We should intentionally engage our surrounding communities and world with the acts of service prescribed by the Gospel. We should stand and fight for justice in obedience to Micah 6:8. We must bring an incarnational Gospel to the last, least, and lost.

What is the Black Church?

Sociologist C. Eric Lincoln defined the Black Church within the parameters of her historic denominations; (AME, AMEZ, CME, NBCUSA, NBCA, PNBC, COGIC). While limiting this definition to these denominations is helpful, it doesn’t account for Black holiness denominations, Black oneness denominations, nor the myriad of Black inter-denominational and non-denominational churches in our country. We define the Black Church as those seven denominations, but we also include churches that have the following:

  • A predominately Black attendance

  • Black senior pastoral leadership

  • Doctrine which reflects historic Black Christianity/Christian orthodoxy

  • Visible influence of one of the historic seven denominations.

“Visible Influence”, meaning clearly bearing the residue of one of the historic seven Black denominations as a part of the church's culture and liturgy; even if the denominational name is not on the marquee. This seems to be a broad enough definition to encompass the big tent that is the Black Church. Additionally, the Black Church has historically been identified by the following characteristics:

- The Black Church is an agent of liberation and advocacy

- The Black Church is a miraculous and supernaturally inclined institution

- The Black Church is an essential source of psychological recovery for Black People

- The Black Church is a destination for truth and theological discernment

- The Black Church is consciously culturally expressive


Pastor Isaiah Robertson Sr. possesses an insatiable passion for studying, preaching, and teaching the Word of God. His love for Biblical exposition and the Gospel can be seen throughout his life and ministry. Pastor Isaiah also has a passion for activism and collaborative community organizing. He desires to see people converted through the faithful preaching of the Gospel and uplifted through fighting systemic and institutional injustice.

     In 2020, Pastor Isaiah released his groundbreaking book Black Church Empowered: Examining Our History, Securing Our Longevity. The book seeks to understand the history of the Black Church and use its rich history as the springboard from which to launch into future success. Black Church Empowered quickly reached the top of the charts as an Amazon best seller. It also garnered the Best Book of 2020 award from the Emmaus Collective. In August of 2023, Pastor Isaiah released his second book, Risks We Must Take: Choices the Black Church Must Make to Avoid A Credibility Crisis. This book also reached #1 on Amazon, in the Christian Institutions & Organizations category.

     Along with being an accomplished author, Pastor Isaiah is a highly sought-after lecturer and apologist. He was a consultant and contributor to the And Campaign’s 2023 documentary ‘How I Got Over’ which discussed the legacy of theological orthodoxy in the Black church tradition and its impact on social engagement. As an apologist, Pastor Isaiah has facilitated workshops on defending the Christian faith throughout the United States.

     Pastor Isaiah has served in multiple ministerial capacities since accepting his call. He has served as a youth pastor, an associate pastor, a church planter and senior pastor. He has also spearheaded numerous outreach programs aimed at serving underprivileged communities and mentoring young men of color. Pastor Isaiah is currently the senior pastor of New Congregational Missionary Baptist Church in South Los Angeles.  

     As an influencer, Pastor Isaiah was highlighted as one of America’s most loved youth pastors by Gospel Today Magazine in 2008. He has shared platforms with notable leaders such as Pastor Charlie Dates, Pastor John Faison, Pastor Eric Mason, Justin Giboney, Lisa Fields, Bishop Greg Davis, Pastor Tim Findley, Pastor Frank Ray III, Dr. Charles Goodman, Dr. Sarita Lyons, Dr. Brianna K. Parker, Tye Tribbett, Mali Music, Marquis Boone and others. Pastor Isaiah was also a notable contributor to Barna Research Group’s 2021 ‘Trends In the Black Church’ report.

     His skill to disciple Christians, train leaders, and create community outreach has allowed him to instruct and host workshops across the country and abroad. He has had the privilege of speaking at conferences in Australia, The Bahamas, and many states in the US.

     Pastor Isaiah is currently completing his Master of Divinity degree at Reformed Theological Seminary in Marietta, GA. He’s a prodigious reader and his interests include systematic theology, contextual ecclesiology, Black church studies, and urban apologetics. Pastor Isaiah has been married to Lauren Walker-Robertson for 10 years. Their beautiful blended family resides in the Los Angeles area.